Before you start the process of submitting your web site to all the major search engines, make sure that you have optimized your web pages and checked your site thoroughly. If you would like to learn more about this, read our article on Preparing your web pages for effective web site promotion leading to high search engine ranking
It's easy! Just read our tips, click on our links and submit your site
In this section we have made a list of all the major search engines which will drive approximately 80% of visitor traffic to your site. These are the search engines that you need to focus on getting listed in. We have given tips on submitting to these search engines and have provided links to their 'Add URL' pages. All you have to do is read our tips, click on our links and submit your site to the top search engines. It's that simple. You'll be finished in just an hour or two.
Are you ready? Have fun. Work hard. Get ready for a lot of traffic!
AltaVista usually adds a page within a few days. It's best to submit only a few URLs per day to them, even though they appear to accept as many as you try to feed them. For whatever reason, they just don't seem to index them as quickly if you give them a lot at once. All you need to do is submit your URL.
Google is one of our personal favorites. It makes heavy use of link popularity as a primary way to rank web sites. This can be especially helpful in finding good sites in response to general searches such as "cars" and "travel," because users across the web have in essence voted for good sites by linking to them. The system works so well that Google has gained widespread praise for its high relevancy. Google also provides some results to Yahoo and Netscape Search. Submit only your homepage URL. It will automatically index the entire site.
Excite claims it takes about two weeks to add a submitted URL to its index. Sometimes, but not always. You'll need to be very persistent with them. But take the time to do it, Excite is the primary search service for the new giant AOL/Netscape.
Its main listings come from the Open Directory project, and then secondary results come from either Direct Hit or Lycos' own spider. Just follow their simple instructions and don't expect immediate results from your submission. Again, your best bet is to get indexed in the Open Directory project.
Enter your URL, e-mail, site name and site description to submit your site.
Enter your URL, category and e-mail address to submit your site. The Norwegian company behind FAST Search also powers some of the results that appear at Lycos
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